Welcome to The Meadows at Lake Norman

Yak meat is juicier than beef and is delicious!  In fact, it tastes better than bison or elk, and is more nutritious than either.  Yaks are acclimated to mountainous regions in Tibet, and develop their fat layer on the outside of their meat, just under their skin layer.  The fat is not marbleized throughout the meat as it is in traditional beef leading to a much leaner meat.  Yak meat tastes very much like beef, because yaks are in the same family as cows, but the difference is that yak tastes like extremely lean beef.  Although lean, yak meat remains very juicy and delicate in texture.  There is no gamey taste whatsoever, as can sometimes be noticed with bison and elk.

Studies have shown that yak meat is very similar in composition to grassfed beef.  Our yaks are primarily grassfed, with occasional treats of grain (for handling purposes).  The chefs who have bought our meat have stated that the taste and texture of our yak meat was better than grassfed beef.  While grassfed beef tends to have kind of a coppery taste and dries out easily, yak meat remains sweet and juicy.  Chefs tend to add fat to grassfed ground beef so that it will hold together during the cooking process.  This is completely unnecessary with ground yak, so you still receive the health benefit of a lean meat.  Anyone who is health conscious or simply enjoys the taste of a gourmet cut of meat will love yak.

If you are interested in the healthiest meat available, rich in nutrition value with body building proteins, minerals and vitamins, with a taste superior to regular beef, venison or buffalo, contact us for information on availability and pricing.  Sorry, but we can not sell individual packs of meat since that is prohibited by the USDA.  However, you can either buy an animal and have it processed or join with a few other like minded individuals and purchase an animal and then have it processed together.  We have facilities that we have arranged with to provide this service.  Up to 5 people can share the meat (and expenses) of an animal, making it quite economical.

General Info on Yak

FAQ Regarding Yak

Benefit of Yak Meat

Ease of Raising Yak

Nutritious Benefits of Yak